How to Prepare for an Appraisal

To help the appraisal go as smoothly as possible we generally recommend you take the following actions and prepare the listed documents, if available, for the appraiser.


  • Unlock all padlocks on the property.
  • Keep a leash on unfriendly pets or remove them from the property.
  • Make sure all areas of the home are accessible.
  • Verify lock box combination and access keys are accessible.
  • Remove locks, furniture, clothing, boxes, or anything that may prevent entry to the attic and/or crawl spaces. (FHA/VA)
  • Remove unneeded clutter from attic and crawl space so areas are accessible. (FHA/VA)
  • Safety equipment in house installed and working properly.
  • Replace light bulbs so rooms have adequate lighting. (Smoke/CO Detectors)
  • Outbuildings such as garages, sheds, pool houses, cabanas, etc. need to be accessible.
  • Ensure furnace and water heater are accessible.
  • Confirm heating and air conditioning are operational. (FHA/VA)
  • Ensure home appliances are unloaded such as the dishwasher, oven, etc. (FHA/VA)
  • Address any exposed wiring in living area and install faceplates covers if missing.
  • Documents:
  • A list of any major home improvements and enhancements (room additions, finished basement, new heating or air conditioning, new roof, etc).